View Full Version : Rajinder Singh - BNP

24-04-2007, 10:41
I just wanted to know if any of you have heard of Rajinder Singh and what are your views on him?

He's a so called Sikh community leader who supports the BNP

You can hear his interview here


Lets hear what you think?

24-04-2007, 10:47

This link explains more about him and his campaign supporting BNP leader Nick Griffith

24-04-2007, 10:50
Is the Geezer on CRACK or something idiot

24-04-2007, 10:52
Did u watch the interview

24-04-2007, 10:53
nah im gonna watch it now

24-04-2007, 10:57
Okay cool. Anyone else got views on him?

24-04-2007, 11:12
yea i read it in the eastern eye. His such a d*ckhead, does he not know that the BNP would so easily have him chucked out the country if they ruled? Ok maybe not chucked out but they'd try and make his life hell.

24-04-2007, 11:14
Like i said he is on CRACK. Plonker.
He is just a Muslim hater

24-04-2007, 14:18

Read some of the stuff on there

24-04-2007, 14:20

Read some of the stuff on there

Mr Singh said: "Their manifesto is excellent for this country.
"I want to break down barriers - political correctness is stopping common sense."

Mr Agnew said: "Rajinder will be helping to urge people to support our stance against the asylum racket, which is causing trouble for white British people."

Stupid Prat even Die White knuckle Heads won't take him seriously, even they will beat him up.

24-04-2007, 14:23
Mr Singh said: "Their manifesto is excellent for this country.
"I want to break down barriers - political correctness is stopping common sense."

Mr Agnew said: "Rajinder will be helping to urge people to support our stance against the asylum racket, which is causing trouble for white British people."

Stupid Prat even Die White knuckle Heads won't take him seriously, even they will beat him up.

I cant believe how much ass he's licking, its doing my head in.

24-04-2007, 14:24
They gonna do his head in trust me...... like i said the die hard BNP supporters wont even accept him.

24-04-2007, 14:25

This is who Rajinder singh is in favour of

Nick Griffin

24-04-2007, 14:26
looool, well basically by the looks of it the BNP are becoming anti Islam!! the only way forward for them!! lol That guy is only telling the interviewer what happened back in the days.. ofcourse people had wars, religious ones in particular... this is the 21st century he should let it go.

They all see Islam as a threat! lol... maybe they should come and check this forum out and see how Muslim forumers and Sikh forumers aswell as other forumers from other religious backgrounds click well together..

That guy in the video.. just wants to get a seat, i dunno maybe he wants to be the first Asian BNP supporter, the BNP's will give him a seat and use him as a scapegoat etc...

That guy really has lost it... dyamn... i wonder what his friends and rellies are going to think about this..

24-04-2007, 14:27
They will pelt him with Tonatoes true desi style

24-04-2007, 14:34
I've been reading some comments about what people have to say about Rajinder Singh supporting the BNP.

Take a look at what's been said...I'll also post up the link after

16.07.2006 11:55
What i cant understand is that if the BNP hate all other races and go around beating them up as in the Hughes case, what is the report in the Huddersfield examiner on 14th July all about?

It shows a picture of top fash Nick Cass shaking hands with Rajinder Singh and explains in the article that Mr Singh is coming to the area to speak at a BNP meeting.

What is going on? Do the BNP hate minorities or not, because this guy is the guest speaker at a BNP meeting.

Is the BNP really against minorities, are we misguided, or are the BNP using this man to further their cause. If this is the case are we calling Mr Singh stupid?

16.07.2006 12:25
"are the BNP using this man to further their cause. If this is the case are we calling Mr Singh stupid? "

Yes to both questions. I'm sure a lot of BNP supporters won't be turning up though.

^ Even though Rajinder is in favour of the BNP, a lot of the supporters did not turn up to the talk....because they think if BNP are against minorities then why should they have an asian guest speaker.

16.07.2006 13:16
I think you are wrong and that the BNP supporters will be turning up, because from the response to this man from BNP supporters at the Leeds demo he was respected. They gave him three cheers for gods sake as this man attended the court on several occasions to support Griffin and collett.

Like every organisation people follow their leaders and if the BNP leadership thought Mr Singh's presence would do the party no good why would they invite him? < However, the BNP thinks he would be good to the party.

We need to be a bit more open minded about the BNP tactics if we are to make any difference in stopping them. To be honest the lack of any counter demo at the last court appearance was shambolic - talk about losing the street war, i am afraid we have.

Who is running the show - anyone?

16.07.2006 15:49
Some BNP supporters would cheer a giraffe if it denounced muslims and asylum seekers. The general reaction from BNP supporters to their non-white candidate in Bradford shows what they really think. There is nothing new about fascists using some idiot who should know better to further their cause, despite their inherent anti-semetism the NF even had a Jewish candidate in the mid 70's.

Griffin is a chameleon who will use any tactic he thinks will get his party an extra few votes. Opposition voices within the BNP may not get the same amount of publicity as Griffin, but one only has to read the fascist forums to see how distrusted and disliked he is within his own party. Griffin is routinely accused of selling out his fascist principles on these forums, but he hasn't done that, he's just a bit smarter tactically than most of his fellow fascists, and more ruthless in terms of his own career.

16.07.2006 18:23
Mister Singh represents a hard line anti-partition faction within Indian Politics. The faction that says Pakistan has no right to existence. The faction that has, in the past, indulged in the "armed struggle" for Fascism. So The One Eyed Fascist Snake can salve his ideological nerves by having a genuine Fascist at his side while at the same time seek to split people into little ghettos. That is, after all, the tactic of the BNP. Mister Singh is a Kapo of the media grooming Fascists - whose "media pupose" is to stir up memories of the Partition of India. The same purpose as the BNP having links with Loyalists in Northern Ireland - to stir up memories of the Partition there. Griffin and company are merely trying to build an image as a minority then to call out oppression at every turn. The tactic is the same tactic as "political correctness" - not genuine respect for anybody but mouthing words while loading cattle trucks.

The International Third Position taught the Fascists one thing: making connections with other fascists. It is something that the left seems to do less of these days and should return to doing in a big way. Griffin and Collett are a circus freak show in the development of globalised fascism.
Zookeepers Against Fascists

18.07.2006 23:38
So if the BNP have a sikh speaking at their meetings are they not racist. Are fascists not racists? Or can fascists of all races work together which is what you are emplying.

If this is the case the BNP is not racist it is fascist.

Hey they should change their name to the Labour party

What are your views on the comments posted above...here is the link to read for yourself


The bits I read about are towards the bottom of the page

24-04-2007, 14:40
These guys are uneducated fools they donte evn know wat the hell they chatting about

24-04-2007, 14:44
All their mainly worried about is why BNP are letting in a minority, and because they does that mean their not racist towards minorities anymore?! its silly...

As Kayz said, they do see islam as being a threat...and their views have completely changed from when they first started they were against all minorities, and now just against Islam.

What is rajinder singh playing at! :|

24-04-2007, 14:46
Like i said earlier he is a Muslim hater

24-04-2007, 14:53
There is also evidence, according to the Asian Times (22.01.02), that Sikhs and Hindus are joining the BNP to form what is being described as an "anti-Muslim alliance". Nick Griffin admitted that Sikh and Hindu sympathisers only approached him after his appearance on the BBC Newsnight programme, where he stated his view that the disturbances that took place last year in the northern cities of England were caused by Muslims and not Asians. A 30-year-old accountant, Ammo Singh, married and a father of two, said he was helping the BNP as part of a "mutually beneficial relationship". He said they wanted to raise awareness that "Islamic fundamentalists" were targeting Hindus and Sikhs and that all three groups were being "tarnished" because of the activities of Muslims while it was the Muslims who were causing most of the problems not the other two groups. Rajinder Singh from Northampton said that he agreed with Mr Griffin's stance on Islam.

^ Maybe its not just Rajinder Singh then....There are other sikh & hindu's in favour of BNP....

24-04-2007, 14:54
Another on-going issue is that of Muslim men seducing and converting Hindu and Sikh girls. Both Ammo and Rajinder Singh wanted to raise awareness of this issue. Mr Ammo Singh, with other Sikhs, believes that there are many prostitution rings across the UK where Hindu and Sikh girls could be found working for Muslim pimps. He also claimed that over a quarter of the Sikhs and Hindus working with the BNP were women who had been victims of Muslim men. Inayat Banglawala of the Muslim Council of Britain rejected these allegations, believing that they were either made up or exaggerated and that seduction and blackmail were completely against Islam (Asian Times, 22.01.02).

What is this world coming too.

24-04-2007, 14:55
The BNP are known to be racist toward sikh/hindus/muslims...to all asians. We are still one community, and it is a shame to have a few out of the community to get on the good side of the BNP to be in favour of an anti-islam campaign

24-04-2007, 14:58
well I'm afraid it's the world we live in.

24-04-2007, 15:04
Its flippin shyte..... :| Its disgraceful

24-04-2007, 15:07
I know but some people are like that hun

24-04-2007, 15:07

This link is interesting, its about how asian = muslims.

Rajinder agrees aswell as the BNP. Quite long but a good read.

24-04-2007, 15:08
Ok u are well passionate about this i like that i think i should rep u, if only i knew how to. lol

24-04-2007, 15:12
This is something that has just got me going after reading one article this morning, and I found so many more Im really into it...

oh to rep, on the bottom of everyones profile theres an image which looks like weighing scales....click that on whoeva u wana rep and thats it job done.

Anyway, have u found any articles on this? Did u read that Asian = muslim thread?

24-04-2007, 15:16
Ill read that in a bit busy at work now

24-04-2007, 15:16
Just repped u

24-04-2007, 15:18
Thank u

I'll keep posting up any interesting threads I come across :)

24-04-2007, 15:20
Beats some of the crap that comes on here sometimes

24-04-2007, 15:25
Uh huh, sometimes it is good to have a serious talk

24-04-2007, 15:28
true and something passionate but i just get fed up sometimes

24-04-2007, 15:30
summat wrong with that guy....

24-04-2007, 15:34
dam dats low of this guy!
i guess hes a muslim hater den ..

the guys not gona see sense..
moneys talking louder i guess.
he mus be getting some bid bucks

24-04-2007, 15:35
exactly my point @ shahr

24-04-2007, 15:38
Sometimes there is nothing u can do apart from just sit back and watch wat happend wat goes around comes around dont worry

24-04-2007, 15:58

Mr. Singh shakes hands with the BNP’s Nick Cass outside Leeds Crown CourtOn Tuesday 18th July, Sikh community leader Rajinder Singh is to visit Dewsbury and surrounding areas and be given a tour of the area which will include a look at local history, with a visit to places of significance from our historic past like the terrible Thornhill mining disaster to the present day areas where the recent suicide bombers and would be suicide bombers lived.

This will be followed by lunch in one of the area’s historic pubs.
Personal experiences

Later in the evening, Mr Singh is going to address a full meeting of the Kirklees branch of the British National Party with a speech on his experiences living as a child in India during its partition and the potential for problems in Dewsbury’s heavily populated Muslim town.

Mr Singh saw his father brutally murdered by Muslims during the partition and along with other members of his family fled to Britain for safety. Mr. Singh is very knowledgeable about the Islamic religion and his speech will be based around his views on Britain’s future if present day religious trends continue.

After the meeting Mr Singh is to stay in one of the areas best hotels.

It was the BNP’s common sense stance on Islam, and the persecution of good people within the party by the media and other political parties that encouraged Mr Singh to contact the party.

We have been working with him for the last number of years, and he has been a regular contributor to the BNP’s monthly newspaper the Voice Of Freedom.


24-04-2007, 15:59
Lets go down there and pelt him with Tomatoes!!!!

24-04-2007, 16:03
lol you should have gone in 2006 :p

24-04-2007, 16:04
I know just clocked...

24-04-2007, 16:04

Btw Shahr I just repped u....because u were the only one who had a conversation about this thing with me...thank u for your thoughts and opinions - much appreciated

24-04-2007, 16:05
It is hard trying to do four things at once. lol

24-04-2007, 16:11
The British National Party, which believes Britain was meant by God to be a nation of the very white and very pure, has just put out a party election broadcast. The broadcast mainly features a curiously non-hirsute Indian Sikh, complete with turban, talking about the way Muslim fundamentalism broke India in two 57 years ago. The point Mr Rajinder Singh appears to make is that the BNP is quite right to have launched an election campaign based on an anti-Islam agenda. He likes the BNP, he tells millions of British couch potatoes, because they say what they really think.


24-04-2007, 16:14
I'm hating on him even more now. PIG

24-04-2007, 16:16
Some of these articles are really bad, Im tryin to find one where he has actually been quoted.

P.S dude bank ur paisa before someone knicks it

24-04-2007, 16:18
Some of these articles are really bad, Im tryin to find one where he has actually been quoted.

P.S dude bank ur paisa before someone knicks it

It will be hard to find....
Thanks for that i just banked it. lol

24-04-2007, 16:18
August’s meeting of Northants BNP was the best attended yet. 45 people were treated to a speech by the prominent Sikh opinion-former Rajinder Singh. In an often emotional talk, Rajinder recounted his personal experiences of Islam, growing up in India during the process of that country's partition in 1947. It was during the often bloody conflict, which was to claim the life of his father, that Rajinders views on the so called 'peace loving' religion of Islam were formed. Over 500,000 Hindu's were killed and millions more made refugees in the ensuing violence.

During his talk, Rajinder implored the British people to open their eyes to what's going on around them and not walk blindly into a future Islamic republic as demographic trends now suggest. It was the BNP's stance on Islam that encouraged him to contact the party in the first place, and Rajinder made it prefectly clear that he would be fully supporting Nick Griffin in his forthcoming retrial in Leeds at the end of October.

The regularity of the now monthly Northants meetings are clearly starting to pay dividends as members now know where and when the meetings take place and this is being reflected in the rising attendance levels. A collection at the end of the evening raised over &#163;200, which will go towards next year’s local elections campaign.


24-04-2007, 16:19
It will be hard to find....
Thanks for that i just banked it. lol

I will try my very best ... good lad :)

24-04-2007, 16:19
Hye madam i am older than bit of respect ok. lol

24-04-2007, 16:21
that comment had respect all over it :)

24-04-2007, 16:22
Good Lad, dont thinks so. lol
It's all good since its u ill allow u

24-04-2007, 16:23
Erm ok thanks....

Anyways, guys im sure there are more people who have a view or an opinion on him.....post them up!

24-04-2007, 16:26
why u getting bored of my comments Miss C. lol

24-04-2007, 16:28
The next link Im going to post up is also a good read, it includes:

The conflict between sikh, muslim & hindu youths
The BNP & Shere-e-Punjab
Rajinder Singh's anti-islamic campaign & the war on terrorism


24-04-2007, 16:28
why u getting bored of my comments Miss C. lol

No of course not, but it would be nice to get others involved too...but I dont think they want to...?>

24-04-2007, 16:38
the guys are a joke, the way i see it we are all the same, wat bnp are doing is trying to split everyone up with religion/race whatever works once they got 1 lot out then they gona move onto the next

24-04-2007, 18:34
Iv seen it plenty of asians befores support the BNP, people dont realise BNP hate all ASIANS obviously muslims the most but in general hate them all. What their doing instead is using some asians letting them fight each other while they watch.

24-04-2007, 19:14
ah shit jyoti
i remember readin bout him in eastern eye
got an article on him sumwhere
1day wen i find it ill scan it in

24-04-2007, 21:34
ah shit jyoti
i remember readin bout him in eastern eye
got an article on him sumwhere
1day wen i find it ill scan it in

Yeah if u find it make sure u do.

24-04-2007, 21:37
Yeah if u find it make sure u do.

Eastern Eye write a load of Shit.

10-05-2007, 01:58
Misguided man ...........

10-05-2007, 05:14
I stand behind him completely.

Get these desi assholes out of our country, this country is for the whites and the whites only!


10-05-2007, 09:05
I stand behind him completely.

Get these desi assholes out of our country, this country is for the whites and the whites only!

hear hear.

11-05-2007, 12:31
Anyone found anymore info on this?

11-05-2007, 12:42
the bnp have said this time and time again.. they have no problems with west indian or indian community.. they have problem with muslims only..

they havechanged from being racist to anti islam..
these guys are so scared islamwill take over the country...lol