View Full Version : Sub Forum Guidelines

Sir OS
15-02-2007, 00:09
First and foremostly all users must abide by these rules posted under the Introduction section:

House Rules and Guidelines (http://www.theasianplace.net/forum/showthread.php?t=13)
All Users Must Read (http://www.theasianplace.net/forum/showthread.php?t=12)

I would like to also emphasize how seriously, we The Asian Place Team take into account any form of racism, or discrimination within the sub forums or anywhere else on the forum body itself. I have been also told that the Sub Forums will only create segregation? Wrong! It will only create segregation if we "the members" separate and distance ourselves from the particular sections.

That is why i have made myself clear to each Sub Forum moderator that they shall also contribute within the other sub sections as well as their own. Thus to encourage other members to visit each sub forum, whether they be part of it or far from it!

The Asian Place is to change the way you think about the Sub Forums. We understand that just by looking at the sub sections it gives you the impression of segregation!? Correct?

Well so far we have not had any problems within the sub forums, and we shall keep it that way. The Asian Place will change the way you look at the sub sections, which will eventually soon spread the message far across and over the hill, and over the hill 3 times more! That the sub sections on The Asian Place do not mean segregation but rather Multiculturalism and respect for one another, it shall be a learning curve for all.

The purpose of the sub forums is to enable everybody to learn from one another and build up a bond and a good relationship on the forums. It is also to encourage asians and non-asians alike who join the forums to find out more about these cultures and creeds.

If you look carefully, we thought hard about what we are to name the sub forums without having names that are provocative or discriminating in anyway. Of course it would have been very easy for us to name the sub forums, Pakistani, Indian and Bangali like any other forum out there. But do you notice the difference between the name "Pakistani Forum" and "Pakistan Forum?" What does "Pakistani Forum" imply? In relation to "Pakistan Forum"? we have omitted the plurals for obvious reasons!

The forums are not Pakistani, Indian and Bangali! They are not exclusive only for Pakistani's, Indian's or Bangali's, but rather the forums are called Pakistan, India and Bangla respectively, and are open to all and everybody who visits those sub forums.

We at The Asian Place pride ourselves that we have Non-Asian's / Desi's who come here to find out more about the Asian Desi Culture and also to mingle with the members on The Asian Place! It is quite evident that we are not just an ordinary Desi Asian forum but rather a forum that welcomes people from all backgrounds and creeds and is taking a new stance as a Multicultural Desi Asian Forum Community.

We hope to add more cultures and societies to the forums in the near future as The Asian Place grows and progresses.

I hope we have made ourselves clear about this issue regarding segregation. I have heard from other members that the sub forums are a good idea, and it has its own fun learning curve to it. Remember we have respected moderators that moderate the forums literally 24/7 so there should not be any problems on the forums at all.

If you have any questions or queries in relation to what i have said above then please feel free to Private Message me or even email me on: webmaster[at]theasianplace[dot]net If you have any other forum related matters then you can Private Message any Moderator online also.

More information about The Asian Place and what our objectives are can be found under the "About" section on the main page of The Asian Place.

Thank you for Reading,