View Full Version : Women in Sikhism

02-02-2007, 20:46
Sikhism clearly states that women must always be regarded as an equal with man and has all the rights and privileges enjoyed by a man. She is considered to have the same soul as man and has same right to grow spiritually. She is allowed to lead religious congregations, to take part in Akhand Paths, to perform Kirtans, to work as Granthis.

if thats the case y do men still c themselves as superior

my m8 wen she went 2 India was shocked 2 c that women were not allowed 2 wave the pauri ova the Guru Granth Sahib

1 of my aunts is a granthi ova here (headache she is!!) but wen she went ova 2 India they wudnt let her lead shabads

Brown Sugar Baby
02-02-2007, 20:49
men see them selfs as superior everywere not jus here or india!

02-02-2007, 20:51
“Of woman are we born, of woman conceived; to woman engaged, to woman married. Women are befriended, by woman is the civilization continued. When woman dies, woman is sought for. It is by woman that the entire social order is maintained. Then why call her evil of whom are great men born?”

(Verse from Asi Ki Var....sangat sung in the mornin service)

02-02-2007, 20:52
men see them selfs as superior everywere not jus here or india!

yeah i kno that
but those who r religious r the worst.... claim 2 follow the religion then aint exactly followin wot its sayin

Iroquois Pliskin
02-02-2007, 20:52

thanks Navi..

Brown Sugar Baby
02-02-2007, 20:53
yeah i kno that
but those who r religious r the worst.... claim 2 follow the religion then aint exactly followin wot its sayin
yeh true! ,:

03-02-2007, 02:47
yes thats right... people forget religion comes first then, class or culture.. if in sikhism women are equall to men but yet in india some are ignored i think its to do with the cultural values... that dominates certain religious ones..

03-02-2007, 02:50
Wow, Thats suprising. I never knew they stopped any body from doing those things.

03-02-2007, 02:51
yeah avz
sikhism teaches equality but it aint followed

03-02-2007, 02:53
Its sad man, people go around calling themselves Proper Sikhs but forget the little things. I know I ain't a proper sikh, but I know enough that no one should be stopped from doing sewa due to their sex.

03-02-2007, 02:54
sewa is open 2 every1... but usually associated with women i guess. kitchen... women

03-02-2007, 02:58
yeh true, but whenever i go to the gurdwara I always go help in the kitchen making rotis and stuff and nobody says anything here and I also see women waving the pauri ova the Guru Granth Sahib and they also encourage girls to do kirtan. The attitude of men being superior than women is brainwashed into people in India, maybe that is the reason they hold women back from doing what they are rightfully allowed to do.

03-02-2007, 03:00
like i said i got an aunt whose a granthi
she does kirtans and everythin ova here but wen she went india they didnt let her

my m8 went india researchin gudwaras
she went 2 the granthis 4 help
they wudnt answer her cos she was a woman

03-02-2007, 03:02
There are certain issues where India is not as advanced as the countries we are living in today and equallity between sexes is one of the issues. I still believe this will all change with time.

03-02-2007, 14:14
things do change ova time but not always 4 the good