View Full Version : Mumbai Terrorist Attacks

05-12-2008, 23:39
am surprised theres no thread on it...

my personal take on it is its such a huge tragedy. condolences to every1 in mumbai and indeed india affected at this time. we should stand united in this time of need, and these terrorist scum should pay harshly.

big props to Mr. PM Manmohan Singh and the ATS and Indian Army wiv their response. now its time for action. its obvious that Pakistan is a haven for these terrorists (even al-qaeda and they suspect bin ladens there) so its about time their govt done something otherwise let the international commitee step in.

05-12-2008, 23:46
yo my bad,, these nuff topics alredy on thiss.

09-12-2008, 13:40
Thread Closed.