View Full Version : Al-Lugaath al-Arabiyya
Ahlaan Wa Sahlaan Wa Marhaba!
Urido Adrus Al-Lugaath al-arabiyya min fadhlik? :Q
ana fi khidmatik ya akhee aziz, ayyu jumal tureed an tata'llam? :)
ana fi khidmatik ya akhee aziz, ayyu jumal tureed an tata'llam? :)
"I am at ur service oh brother, which......?" thats about all i cud make out lol ?>
ana fi khidmatik ya akhee aziz, ayyu jumal tureed an tata'llam
ana- me/iam
khidmatik- your khidmat
ya-O akhee-brova azeez- dear/respected
jumal - sentences (plural) jumla-singular
tureed-what u want
an-that etc
tatallam you learn
ana fi khidmatik ya akhee aziz, ayyu jumal tureed an tata'llam
ana- me/iam
khidmatik- your khidmat
ya-O akhee-brova azeez- dear/respected
jumal - sentences (plural) jumla-singular
tureed-what u want
an-that etc
tatallam you learn
Yeah I understood half of it but safe. I can't tell you want I want to learn the only way I will learn new stuff is if we convers and when u say something i dnt I understand u explain, faheemth? ;)
yeah hard to type it and cant dicuss the morphings of verbs through sentences
so tell me why are u in a predicament in bham? translate that giv jawaab to it :)
limaza anta fi mushkila fi birmingham?
li anna laa ureedu an usaafir ila misr le dirasah, abee yureed an atazawaj, ankartu!
akhrajani min bait
limaza anta fi mushkila fi birmingham?
li anna laa ureedu an usaafir ila misr le dirasah, abee yureed an atazawaj, ankartu!
akhrajani min bait
Lol hayyaqumullah!
Limaza laysa tureedu safara ilaal misr?
How do i say find?
Wa ma ma'na ankartu?
ankartu- i refused.
ba'da dirasah fi misr umree 33, ureedu ziwaaj, fuloos kida
ankartu- i refused.
ba'da dirasah fi misr umree 33, ureedu ziwaaj, fuloos kida
limaaza tukartu?
umree my age
kida etc etc
Naam haza saheeh, haal tureedu alim?
ana alim ta'llamtu le thamaniya sanah.
walaakin ana faajir, qalbee da'eef:(
ana alim ta'llamtu le thamaniya sanah.
walaakin ana faajir, qalbee da'eef:(
Thamaniyyah sanah? Haza Taweel walakin haza tayyib jiddan!
since when?? did you leanr how to speak arabic?
Hmm... haza forum fitna laka jiddan
Okhrooj minal forum, summa laysa faarij wa Qalbuka shadeed inshAllah!
since when?? did you leanr how to speak arabic?
Since loong tym
Marni: Remind me what ghaflah is again?
you never told me :$
very impressive well done
you never told me :$
very impressive well done
U never asked, shukran
habibi axi bintun jameelatun jiddan sah um laa?
sah from saheeh (correct) um-or laa-no
sah from saheeh (correct) um-or laa-no
Oh yes of course... duh! lol
its more pronouced swaheeh/swah tho isnt it
no its just 'saad' and 'haa' sah!
no its just 'saad' and 'haa' sah!
exactly.. u pronounce the saad with a tiny lil bit of "sw" at the beginning, i mean u wnt pronounce it as in the english word sad tho wud u? Get me..
i get what ya mean but saad is pronounced as Saad!
saying swad is against the rules of tajweed
i get what ya mean but saad is pronounced as Saad!
saying swad is against the rules of tajweed
Lol i dont literally mean swad, its hard to explain in written form need to explain in verbal form bt u get my drift, its like ud round ur lips a tiny bit at the beginning when pronouncing it
maashi maashi (ok ok)
ta'llamta sarf wa nahwu?
have u lernt nahwa and sarf?
No I avnt, what are they?
nahwa is grammer sarf is how verbs are morphed, past tense future tense etc..
Oh yes I have but its been tym since i last did so startin to forget u see.. need to brush up, its getting rusty!
23-09-2007, 09:57
hala walah 7abibiz! :D
i feel left out.... :(....... wanna learn arabic......
me 2^:(
but well done T ..(:
21-10-2007, 01:37
hala wala 7abibi! ;)
25-10-2007, 13:00
"Shukran Amo..."
& a few swear words....thats all i picked up in Egypt...
25-10-2007, 13:12
kaife hal ya ukthi wa akhi
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